This is still only 1 part of the picture, if you have free market & everyone can exchange things when & whom they want, if people's work is still exploited there is still a problem.
because YOU *feel* they’re being exploited is arrogant and cruel. 2/2
To this day Capitalist Fascist America and its Nazis in CIA keep doing this same shit, so what the fuck would you know about anything. Do me a favor and just fuck off.
I gave many examples of shit created by Capitalists, I gave idea what we as society need to adopt in order to change this & all you've done is ignore all this & just write shit.
I've told you both organizational structure we want could coexist in a free market absent government monopoly of force. you can have a co-op and I can have a buisness
And you know what, fuck you cunt. Communists freed Europe from Nazis, while your capitalist fucks funded them. People like you disgust me. Go learn some history & facts you prick.
Well you are a fuckhead. No logic can explain to you that someone that takes more then gives, is literally what means to exploit. You are very ignorant.
Sounds like the government to me. Hell, they are taking shit we don't even have yet, shit our children don't even have yet. All to provide the "comforts" of today.