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2107d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
replied 2094d
replied 2107d
Happy Anniversary! Although inactive lately, proud to be here since day 1, I vow to be more engaged again...
replied 2107d
Wow. I can't believe it has been one year already. Lot of things happened in the last year: both personally and financially. The world of Bitcoin is as interesting as ever. Memo is by far my favorite and most frequent method of spending bitcoins.
replied 2107d
replied 2107d
Again, Happy anniversary @memo. Proud to say that I was the one who remind you of that. Yes thanks to the Dev Team. As I scroll down new posts I still learn a lot of things here.
replied 2107d
Happy to hear it. Thanks for the reminder :) And hope you had a good birthday!
replied 2107d
Yes, and since I already seen its progress, I have thought of some ways to use to offer it to small or even large offices instead of Facebook. An added use-case.