Create account

replied 2170d
Ahh, yeah. Electrum/electron asks you to share the extended key. I disagree because of the security issue with publicizing extended keys. Wish they did DH exchange per recipient.
replied 2170d
can i derive the pubkey from the extended? or suggestions on how to proceed? we want to add some money handling protection to a bot that is collecting BCH for stress testing.
replied 2170d
(cont) But I'm not sure if you're gaining anything since you'd still be sending it to a single address (the bot) in the end anyway, which could be used to steal the funds.
replied 2170d
this was exactly the plan but can't even get past sharing the pubkey (we're only in touch via memo). the point is not to make it foolproof, but to alleviate the bot writer's risk.
replied 2170d
In that case, your only option is to share the extended key as you did (which is not ideal). But going forward, you might want to find a secure way to share it 👍
replied 2170d
(cont) People would donate funds to that P2SH address. When you want to spend, all cosigners will sign the transaction consolidating the donations and send to the bot's wallet. (cont)
replied 2170d
You'd set up the multisig wallet in Electron by sharing the extended public key with the other cosigners, then create a P2SH address. This is the donation address for the bot. (cont)