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Rishi R. Kataria
2385d requires a more user friendly layout. The current layout is quite stiff. How about something like twitter?
replied 2385d
my vote: NO, I do not want a twitter lookalike
it's is getting worse each "upgrade"
Here I see a different layout is being explored as people connect, make requests
and that,
I like.
replied 2385d
Way too often we just copy things when there is unlimited new stuff to explore.
replied 2385d
Given that BCH is totally new territory
with people complaining/wanting to leave the old,
why attempt to mimic it?
replied 2385d
blockpress tried that and tanked.
replied 2385d
Blockpress died because the site didnt work for half the people trying to use it, myself included; never even got past registering with it.
Memo definitely could use a more friendly UX
replied 2385d
BlockPress UI was glorious the 10% of the time that it actually worked.
replied 2385d
Did it tank because of that or because it was a new protocol that arrived late to the party?
replied 2385d
I think they tanked because the market was just too small.
replied 2385d
I don't think it's the main reason why they tanked.
replied 2384d
There were unable to gain momentum. Network effects are unpredictable.
replied 2385d
yea not claiming it's the main reason, merely that copying twitter's UI is not sufficient for success.
replied 2385d

Who wants to be reminded of a site that steals data and uses it against people?
replied 2385d
i had no idea they did this
replied 2385d
he means twitter
replied 2385d
The only thing this site steals is... I do not think it steals anything. Hm. It is almost to good to be true.
replied 2385d
It is true
and it is good.

Memo is the next social media wave.
replied 2385d
facebook/twitter do.
replied 2385d
I agree that the current layout isn't friendly.. But we shouldn't go the twitter route, I feel like a old reddit style would be better
replied 2385d
with upvotes and separated subs? in this case we will lose live feed and dynamics
replied 2385d
No no I mean simply in the layout: simple text with indenting threads
replied 2385d
Use the posts/threads list. It works great for me. Easy to see posts with lots of comments.
Rishi R. Kataria
replied 2385d
I do that, however, the layout is simply very stiff, they need more ajax. Also make it a little more user friendly.