Instead of fighting to bring down the government and create Anarchy, which will create even worse society that we have now, you should be fighting to eradicate corruption in the government and fight to change the laws the right way, so that you can get to legalise cannabis and things that people in society have found to be useful, but it needs to be regulated and not left at the will of the stronger individual and most certainly not create systems that will allow worst crime in society to go on unnoticed and unpunished... Ross, Roger, have pushed things too far... in the WRONG DIRECTION. So, fuck you and your Austrian Economics garbage, your Libertarian fucked up ideology... that shit can NEVER WORK because in order for it to work, every single person would have to be good, and we all know this is never going to happen, your own actions show that you are not good people either, as good people don't lie and cheat... and you did exactly that. Roger pretended to be in support of the Bitcoin system, while secretly was doing the opposite and colluding to undermine it. Roger is the actual fraud, not Craig.