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2036d · Craig Steven Wright
Hey, does anyone have any news about Ira Kleiman case?
replied 2030d
replied 2030d
Also, shouldn't "FILED BY_____D.C." stamp have something written on that line if this was real document given to court ???
replied 2030d
What a joke

- [email protected]
- there are no actual explanations to anything, just claims of accusations
- I would assume you'd write nicely in order for it to be readable, ideally using PC or at least a type writer, not like a teenager scribling on some piece of paper...
- "... the man has no clue how the genesis block is composed, as he did not mine the block..." is dead giveaway of non-argument... does not explain how it was composed or what is wrong with the way Craig says its done... I can't believe this is actually given to the courts as some form of evidence ????