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created poll 2400d
Which side do you support with the coming November Hard Fork?
Bitcoin ABC plans canonical transaction ordering, activation for OP_CHECKDATASIG and OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY.
nChain plans block size to 128MB.
Bitcoin ABC with Amaury Sechet 11 votes · 0 satoshis
nChain with CSW 18 votes · 7,676 satoshis
I don't care. 5 votes · 1,000 satoshis


replied 2399d
I personally support any updates which make BCH more "cash". If canonical ordering could help in efficient block propagation, it makes BCH more "cash". And I don't care the OP_code.
replied 2399d
There will be no fork. Plain and simple...
replied 2399d
If Bitcoin ABC activates OP_CHECKDATASIG and OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY with no consensus, will it end in a chain split?
replied 2399d
Technically, ABC can not activate anything, only miners can, buy running that code. And I do not think miners are so out of their mind to split the chain. They will negotiate more.
replied 2398d
I can imagine some pro-Core people waste some hashrate just to create a split
replied 2396d
I wish them good luck with their irrational decision to waste money like that. Maybe they can recoup the loss from their cult followers who will buy the coin out of a sense of duty?
replied 2399d
People call it a hard fork but it's really just an upgrade. There will be no new coins. The upgrade is scheduled for Nov 15th
replied 2397d
I will vote by running full node software and I will run Bitcoin Unlimited.
En Fri Mand
replied 2390d
I just switched to BU as well so I can follow the majority chain if there is a split.
replied 2371d
I assume you both have some hash power behind those full nodes.......
replied 2371d
No, I do not need it. I use my full node for other purposes.
En Fri Mand
replied 2371d
I have no hash power.
replied 2371d
replied 2399d
miners before dev.
its to early for canonical transaction ordering imo. not well understood
replied 2400d
Why can't one support both?
replied 2399d
I wonder the same, as both aren't incompatible. Of course, more research is needed to convince other devs and miners.
replied 2399d
That means you don't care.
replied 2352d
Isn't BTC and BCH already enough of a headache?
replied 2352d
How so? I don't want BCH to split. I care about being able to maintain BCH as one coin, and doing both when feasible. Can one and then the other be done?
replied 2399d
Imo focus on adoption & removing the BS limit, so BCH can function as global money, I don't see how lexicographic ordering will help long term, devs have enough OP's to play with now.
replied 2399d
Canonical ordering helps in efficient block propagation (graphene), so that BCH can function as a global money. Don't look so narrow, all parts of this system are interconnected.
replied 2399d
That said, I still do not want a change like this until it has been shown, with a sample implementation, to be an improvement.
replied 2399d
fork bitcoin candy and try xD
replied 2399d
It is implemented in ABC. Can now be tested on testnet.
replied 2398d
testnet is not the same as live operation
replied 2397d
Bitcoin Candy or testnet, no big difference. What is the live operation of Bitcoin Candy? 10 tx per day?