I have one new perspective since 32MB blocks were mined: could it be that during stress test miners didn't want to mine 32MB blocks so that they can say original code can't scale?
This is why I always used to say not to follow people but ideas, and that's what I am doing. Yesterday when BGV mined 5x 32MB blocks told me: maybe ABC do want to change the protocol?
I was with SV up to that point, only changed my mind because I realised (or thought I did) that stress test showed original code can't even produce 32MB blocks, but we saw BGV do it.
It is possible with the original code. The limitation preventing this was introduced by Core some years ago. ABC has fixed that in the same release that fixed inflation bug.
What Core did, to make us think original code can't scale so that we think it needs to be optimised. But DSV is not optimisation of it, while you can say CTOR is, but DSV is not.