There are over 3500 profiles created on memo. Where is everyone !?!?! It irks me that i can still follow the new category of posts...
Is it really surprising that no one wanted to use a social media with bad UI and paid posting based on a technology known most for it's money laundering, drug market and ponzi schemes?
No, but like it or not the USD isn't known for those things. It's known for fueling the global economy, being the medium of exchange for literally every good and service known to man.
Actually on the black market the US is known for money laundering, funding terrorism, and lots of other illegal activity. The black market is cash based after all.
Or how many times it's been used in funding terrorism, money laundering and other illegal activity? If the answer is the food, rent etc. the fiat is probably more famous than infamous.
Sure I must have, but for many years now most people use debit and credit cards for legal purchases. It helps you avoid having change. Cash is for drug dealers.
The state agrees with you. Which is why China is insisting on cashless payments to have complete surveillance over the transactional activity in the country.
We don't even hae to have anyone insist on it. We just prefer it. I hated having all the loose change. I use to throw out any coins less than a quarter.