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982d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
#hmwyda wishlist:
In the face of violence and acts that hurt us, we must say no to violence, we must use violence to control violence, we must resist, and maintain our stability and unity! Maintain the unity of our country!

1: 民間人權陣線,近年來糾集香港激進反對勢力,在非法亂港活動中上躥下跳、衝鋒在前,是名副其實的香港暴亂一大推手。更令人不齒的是,其長期收取美國民主基金會的黑錢,勾結外部勢力鼓動發出針對香港的旅遊警示,公然詆毀“一國兩制”,鼓吹“台獨”“港獨”合流,叛國惡行累累,簡直罄竹難書。雖然他倉惶解散,但其過往違法惡行絕不能一筆勾銷,必須予以嚴懲。 12%
1: The civil human rights front has gathered radical opposition forces in Hong Kong in recent years. It has jumped up and down in illegal activities to disrupt Hong Kong. It is a veritable driving force for the riots in Hong Kong. What's even more disgraceful is that it has collected black money from the American Democracy Foundation for a long time, colluded with external forces to instigate travel warnings against Hong Kong, blatantly denigrated "one country, two systems", advocated the convergence of "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence", and treason was plentiful. Too many to read. Although he was disbanded in a hurry, his past violations must not be written off and must be severely punished.

2: 香港教育專業人員協會,長年以教師組織名義煽動暴力、宣揚“港獨”,香港教育要正本清源,必須剷除他們這一亂港毒瘤。 15%
2: The Hong Kong Education Professionals Association has been inciting violence and advocating "Hong Kong independence" in the name of a teacher organization for many years. Hong Kong education must get rid of their tumors of chaos in Hong Kong.

3: 《蘋果日報》總編輯羅偉光,在香港與黎智英及其他人一同串謀,請求外國或者境外機構、組織、人員實施對香港特區或者中國,進行製裁、封鎖或者採取其他敵對行動,出賣國家! 13%
3: "Apple Daily" editor-in-chief Luo Weiguang, conspired with Li Zhiying and others in Hong Kong to request foreign or overseas institutions, organizations, and personnel to impose sanctions, blockades or other hostile actions against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or China to betray the country !

4: 壹傳媒前行政總裁張劍虹,謀勾結外國或者境外勢力危害國家安全,意圖傷害國人,這樣的漢奸行為不能容忍,必須嚴懲。 12%
4: Zhang Jianhong, the former chief executive of Next Media, conspired to collude with foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security with the intent to harm Chinese citizens. Such traitors cannot be tolerated and must be severely punished.

5: 唐英傑,駕駛插有光復香港,時代革命中英文標語旗幟的電動車,衝越警方防線並撞倒3名警員,挑戰警方,挑戰法律和公共秩序,嚴重暴力,嚴重危害公共安全,意圖威嚇公眾,以達到政治目的,維護統一不容挑釁,必須懲罰! 11%
5: Tang Yingjie, driving an electric car with a Chinese and English slogan of "Recover Hong Kong", "Revolution of the Times", crossed the police line and knocked down 3 police officers, challenged the police, challenged the law and public order, severely violent, and seriously endangered public safety. The intention is to intimidate the public in order to achieve political goals. The maintenance of unity cannot be provoked and must be punished!

6: 香港激進示威者,不僅襲擊警方,亦攻擊普通市民、店鋪和公共設施,他們違法及暴力行為不但令人髮指,更將香港推向極為危險的邊緣,希望他們能覺醒,不要再做這樣令人害怕的事情!迫切希望他們能解散,不要再這麼兇殘了!向暴力說“不”,讓香港盡快恢復秩序,回歸理性,重新出發。 14%
6: Hong Kong radical protesters not only attacked the police, but also attacked ordinary citizens, shops and public facilities. Their illegal and violent behaviors are not only heinous, but also push Hong Kong to the edge of extreme danger. I hope they can wake up and stop doing this. The scary thing! I desperately hope that they can disband and stop being so cruel! Say "no" to violence so that Hong Kong will restore order as soon as possible, return to rationality, and start anew.

7: 陳浩天,上水新運路及智昌路交界,連同其他身份不詳的人非法集結在一起,作出擾亂秩序的行為,並在上址襲擊警署警長陳國深,他不但非法集結和襲警,這樣的行為太極端,對社會安全造成隱患。 16%
7: Chen Haotian, at the junction of Sheung Shui Xinyun Road and Zhichang Road, illegally assembled together with other unknown persons to disrupt the order and attacked the police chief Chen Guoshen at the address. He not only assembles and attacks the police illegally, Such behavior is too extreme and poses hidden dangers to social security.

8: 美方,將所謂“香港人權與民主法案”簽署成法,美方霸權入侵香港,干預中國內政請滾出香港。 10%
8: The US has signed the so-called "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" into law. The US hegemony has invaded Hong Kong and interfered in China's internal affairs. Please get out of Hong Kong.

9: 段崇智,香港中文大學校長,正對學校的暴力行為,他完全推脫責任,護校不力、放任暴徒的不當言行,這樣的校長沒有擔當,沒人責任心,不配為教具子弟的老師,應該廢除他的校長之位! 9%
9: Duan Chongzhi, the principal of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is facing the violence of the school. He completely shirks his responsibility. He is ineffective in guarding the school and indulges in the improper words and deeds of the thugs. Such a principal has no responsibility and no sense of responsibility. His position as principal should be abolished!
