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There is definitely something to the mind, but as you know, it is not tangible. So, we are stuck having to discuss it philosophically. All cultures have an experience of the mind and have written about it, so this is something common to all people. As for attempting to describe it, it does seem to be something that intersects the body and soul—because the mind is connected to the body via the brain, which responds to chemicals, hormones, trauma, etc., as well as to the soul. I say the latter because there are accounts of people dying in hospitals who, after being revived, have been able to share truthful information from the time they were dead and the brain was not functioning.

As for irrationality, I would posit that that since the mind seems to straddle between the body and soul, that is why it is fallible. The body has desires that influence the mind's decision making. I think the more interesting topic for discussion would be what is the relationship between the mind and...