I think you have to make up your mind. Either one of the global government or the nation state needs to have final say.
I did make it up. A global government should have the authority to hold nations to a constitution. Restricting the powers of national governments over their people.
Yes, at least in how I would like to see it. Restricting governments from abusing their people. Freedom of movement to prevent nations like North Korea from enslaving their people
If they out that in there, sure. Depends what you mean by stealing though. Please dont say taxation is theft as it is a failed argument built on false premises.
If you don't pay the extortion fee, your property will be taken away, whether it's the money in your bank acct or your real estate. I consider Earth my taxable area.
That happens if you dont pay taxes in the US? Maybe this is more of an American problem. My uncle owes about 2 mil in taxes and doesn't go to jail, or have property taken.
If people are paying taxes without threat of jail time, in Canada at least, then it shows taxation is not theft, at least outside the US. I am starting to think the IRS is absurd.
The British learned how wrong it is to jail people for any kind of debts long ago. I guess the US left the British system though and went to enforcing taxation with jail time.
They phone you and send you strongly worded letter asking for their money. Like any bill collector. I suspect British Commknwealth nations all do this.
So as I said. People are not jailed for it everywhere. Lots of times it takes extreme circumstances. That said you are morally obligated to pay taxes if you benefit from them.
I benefit from maybe 10% of the activities that my taxes fund. So I'm only obligated to pay those 10%? How about compensation for the 90% of tax activities that make my life worse?
You are not evaluating your benefits properly. The benefits that others receive directly do affect you indirectly. Living in a stable and prosperous area is a benefit.
Well, if taxes are voluntary, they're not really taxes, are they? I suspect there are state-enforced consequences though, like being barred from starting a company.
I never said they were not mandatory. I just said they dont put you in jail for not paying. I know this for Canada. I suspect it for the British Commonwealth.
They stop giving you your GST returns, and other tax returns, and count that as payments toward your debt. It also messes with your credit rating. Either way they are still taxes.