#Tip1BCH If this get liked by 1000 users, I'll tip 1 BCH to random liker!
1000 reached! About to tip 1 bch!
1k users mean 1k addresses, not 1k likes!
Maybe memo should allow only 1 like per user?
What does this mean? You already said likes
One address can like 2 infinity. Wake up BCH!
You have likes from 297 users with usernames.
or at least different "accounts" :)
Btw I think we're at 974 different users now.
Addrs file:https://github.com/bchgame/Tip1BCH
Now liked by 960 different users! Come on!
..like just somebody hand-coded memo txs?
I wonder if some unnamed could be "fake?" :)
There seems to be 971 now.
Do you count manully?😅
How many have usernames or other actions?
Tip will be in 1110 aprx likes
it will reach 1k tomorrow
Lucky index=int(blockhash of 528510) mod 1000
May the odds be ever in your favor!
What is blockhash of 528510
oh boy
The new 'top post' page is gonna help this
If you won't really tip 1 BCH we'll sue you!
Now liked by 996 different users! Come on!
Love Timmay
that s why i LOVE BCH!
You have 297 likes from users with usernames.
they say windex how you live like that
my wife breas have double in size on her ches
Someone could create 1000 users and 100% win!
Can I like it multiple time? 🤑
Waiting for OP to deliver...
seems like a fun inception game for memo
Hoping this is not bamboozle
Thanks for the tip
Am i the lucky guy?
you can share how many user have liked?
Good idea
Call me "random liker"
Thanks, good luck everyone!
My dream is to own 0.1 BCH, not 1.
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