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Silent Water - Introspection - Total Recall

🔷 Recently I wrote and completed a story, the 'Silent Water', and my audience kind of like it, but at some points, a story gets a little weird. I decided to make a small and partial deconstruction of the story and explain what exactly is happening in it and yes it will deliver one small portion of me and my thoughts about the essence of secluded things.

Now, first, to deliver a basic information. The 'Silent Water' is a story that can be read under an hour ( for native readers in case they don't need to daydream above it and ruminate about all the weird details).

I am not a fan of prolonged 'sufferings', I don't like to torture my audience with 200 000 words in total, but sometimes, I agree - it is necessary if and when a writer opts in for the world building. Some stories needs that more, some a bit less.

As a writer of the short stories, I want to give my audience an opportunity to build the descriptive part of the story by themselves.

🔷 I believe in the power of human imagination.

Stripping my audience of their own cognitive abilities to impose my own, is the unacceptable option to me. I like to keep it at the level where my reader can travel in his own adventure and I am there just to give the road and to voice out the whereabouts.

Ages ago I was not a writer. I was a visual artist and I was making graphics and drawings in my free time. As a consequence of my past hobby I am inclined to create the visual ambient painted in a very short and concise descriptive manner. At least I am trying to deliver it in that way.

I pay more attention to the dialog, action, and the various doings of my characters. The characters in this story are flat out two dimensional, because i intended them to be like that. I do not want my audience to connect emotionally with the characters, but with themselves, their own internal dynamics. And more, I want them to connect with the events. I am trying, not to push you, as a reader, inside of a story and complex dynamics between described personas, but inside of yourself.

🔷 Less you know, the more you fear. And less you see, the more you feel yourself.

The settings of the story 'Silent Water' is placed at the beginning at the small island and it is described from the point of the view of a small child, a girl who lives with her parents at the isolated spot, outside of the civilization, on an unnamed island.

In the first chapter, a small girl has been dragged away from the group of her peers at the beach and almost drowned by the undefined and unknown force. Still, the girl survives, and after that, the strange events start to happen.

With every new flash of action, disturbance or an event - the settings in that house and on that island are changing. At first, these changes are moderate and almost invisible to the untrained eye. But, as a story progresses, a reader will start to be more and more aware that something very basic is not right in the whole story.

The 'Silent Water' is the psychological paranormal thriller. This is not just a story. It has a very unusual time frame and the story line is not what we are accustomed receiving.

On the receiving end, some of the audience will react with a certain amount of confusion and some will very soon start to feel extremely uncomfortable, because the paranormal events described from the first person narrative are usually creepy and this story is no exception.

The whole story is described and narrated by first-person and from the child point of the view, and it took some adjustment to be able to write in that way.

After the first, initial chapter a story takes an unexpected turn, the invading supernatural force starts to plague small family and they are unable to fight it off.

Moreover, the storytelling is not chronological, as we all expect to be, and a reason for that is the least expected.

An audience will be dragged into the center of the terror, finding that family members, besides a person who retells the events, are constantly changing. The characters of the mother and father are changing every step of the way.

The story is not a chronological line of events, it is a memory that flows retrograde, and it is a memory of a demon himself.

The scary confusion comes from the fact that a side of a demon, who is constructed of three almost unholy parts, is not aware of the most fundamental premises of the human existence - the love, hate, time, birth, life, death, and beyond.

The confirmation of his existence, is existence itself. No meaning. No goals. Just a wish and desire to be noticed, to be, to be acknowledged. To have.

She looks, breathes, talks and walks like any other child of her age. But, she is nowhere close to what she should be. And no matter how heart broken it must be to read and go through all the chapters knowing that you want to help this little innocent child, that moment that triggers you, is the moment that will cause your doom. Their doom. To be judged by the innocence, is the utmost verdict of all. The end of life ceased in panic surrounded by the dark and silence.

🔷 The paramount of divine exclusion.

I will not disclose which demon is in the question, or what is his name in the legend/s, only what he is made off.

This particular demonic super-power cannot be destroyed, banish or killed. It is made of a human person, a man, a monster and an absolute of the innocence that completes the trinity, the innocent child. Her super infliction to the core of this trinity is to combine the tantalizing affectation and bring to life something all normal people fear - an innate force straight from the depths of the hell.

🔷 The most horrid angel, the most innocent one, the most beautiful one...

Going deeper into the story, we found out how old and ancient this force of the darkness is, and what is his true nature. We meet the demon true form himself, and if a reader is especially careful he/she will pick an exact moment who he truly is and where he really lives.

🔷 The mirror of you is a mirror of me, it is me...

Going back further in the past, we discover how many families this creature demolished and buried and, ultimately, at the sad end, we found out the horror of his intentions.

🔷 The most basic core of the human society, the nest we all hold so dearly.

The destruction and the fear this creature leaves behind are not possible to be deteriorated by the tooth of the time, subconscious incline to mercy or the conscious recognition of wrongdoings. He simply is.

🔷 A monster, a destroyer, a judge, a cannibal - call him whatever you like, but know one thing - you should know he is here.

I will complete my total recall of this story with the words of apology.

If I brought to the light of a day a totality of the darkness the evil is made of, if I brought to the awareness the subconscious monsters from the depths of your childhood and into the life of this reality a force so dark, so powerful and so unexpected in its cruelty... If I brought into your fragile human mind the uncompromising feelings of the terror and helplessness, I truly apologize.

Story contains 18 chapters plus introduction part and it is previously published on Steemit and my personal blogger blog , for the people who wanted to read it continuously in one piece.
