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replied 2332d
How did the USA interfering in the Middle East cause Chavez to appropriate all the successful businesses, and force their oil company to become unprofitable?
replied 2332d
You know how big capitalist business takes small business out? Selling things bellow cost to drive them out, when they are out they put prices back up & end up with monopoly.
replied 2332d
Which is completely unrelated to this issue. Venezuela made their oil unprofitable by ruining the business model and forcing them to hire more employees without need.
replied 2332d
There are many sides to what US as been doing over all these decades, its not just 1 or 2 things, its many things together... and undermining other nations economically is one of them.
replied 2332d
You can't just blame the USA without showing any real connection. As it is the economic policy of Chavez, and now Moduro, are obviously to blame.
replied 2332d
Connections are all already there, you just seem to want to ignore them.
replied 2331d
The connection is there. It was that fault of Chavez. He ruined the economy of his nation. If the USA didn't exist it would have happened just the same.
replied 2331d
I am done trying to talk logic and facts with you, you ignoring US imposing decade long sanctions, arming terrorists & undermining their democracy shows you are FULL OF SHIT. Fuck off.
replied 2331d
Those are different issues that have little to nothing to do with the economic problems in Venezuela.

Vesuala doesn't have democracy anyway. They have a dictatorship.
replied 2331d
As I said you are ignorant as shit. Venezuelan crisis is created by the Fascist capitalist America so just fuck off. Not interested in your bullshit propaganda and ignorance.
replied 2330d
You have zero evidence to support your absurd ideas. He'll I gave you a link where the history and reasons where explained very well. Venesualla hurt itself.
replied 2330d
You're dumb and ignorant as fuck. Stick your means of reproduction int your own ass so you don't multiply by some accident.
replied 2331d
ED, you moronic leftist cuck, Venezuela & all the other commie wannabe shitshows are fucked because communism doesn't work & was invented by a clown who never worked a day in his life
replied 2331d
Insults are the arguments for the dumb
replied 2330d
Insults? I thought leftist adore cucks.
replied 2331d
People like you are scum
replied 2330d
People like me would do far more to help the poor than you.
replied 2330d
How do you "help" the poor? By investing bit of money to set up production line in which you will exploit need from poor people to make yourself richer? GO FUCK YOURSELF & such "help"
replied 2330d
Speaking out against communism is helping the poor.
replied 2329d
You are one fucking dumb cunt
replied 2329d
Well look at how capitalism has created a middle class in developing nations. Let's also look at how communism destroys the middle class in developed nations.
replied 2329d
Do me a favor and just stop replying to me, I see you are clueless, you have zero understanding what is what and you have zero honesty to admit when you are proven wrong. Just piss off
replied 2329d
You have yet to prove anything. You seem to rely on people just taking your words for gospel. You have no evidence to back up what you say.
replied 2329d
I proved everything already, you are just ignoring all the proof, so as I said, do me a favor and just fuck off.
replied 2329d
Your proof was to declare that things are obvious. Declaring your opinion to be obvious is not proof. I on the other hand gave you a link to help understand the problem.
replied 2329d
replied 2329d
I think capitalism is another word for money addiction. Or capitalism might actually work if you take your health as your capital. In the end its just an overused word without meaning.
replied 2329d
You are a fucking dumb cunt. Not one thing you write is true. You are even so fucking stupid to say now that Communism is even existing in developed nations? You fucking moron!
replied 2329d
He is intentionally trolling you and he does a good job as he achieved to get you go mad. Complex politics can not be described in a single word. That only works with fascism=hate.
replied 2332d
Come on man: US aids terrorists who took over oil fiends & sell very cheap oil, oil prices plummet globally, Venezuela's income is greatly from oil, so their income goes down also.
replied 2332d
That is untrue. OPEC decided to increase supply after artificially raising prices by a lowered supply for years. This ruined the profitability of Venezuela's main export.