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Bitcoin Faucet
Before you pick sides consider the following:

Amaury Sechet (ABC Dev) & Gregory Maxwell are buddies.
Jihan(bitmain) is a major investor in Blockstream.
Trezor(core troll supreme) supports ABC.

Please open your eyes
replied 2308d
I thought Bitmain was Blockstreams centralized Chinese miner boogeyman.
replied 2308d
can you give a proof that Bitmain is a major investor in Blockstream?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2308d
I do vaguely remember their logos comingled. I don't believe Bitmain cares that much about keeping Bitcoin alive for the long term. They're in it for the fiat(and possibly communism).
replied 2308d
The best part about all of this is that users don't get to make the decisions. Hash power decides. End of story.
replied 2309d
so? this is childish