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replied 1952d
Can you explain more?
replied 1952d
Sidechains seem to be well suited for these kind of stuff, but you should explore that.

btw, have you tried to estimate the implications of twitter's current volume?
replied 1952d
Sidechains lose a lot of the benefits of being on-chain and are a ton of work to implement.

Yes, Twitter volume + all other apps (Uber, etc) would 10's to 100's of PBs per year.
replied 1952d
I don't disagree we may need to go off-chain eventually. But I think it's good to explore how far we can go on-chain before engineering other solutions.
replied 1951d
Absolutely. When/if onchain images are too expensive, offer an option to save them, insecurely, with no guarantees, offchain.
replied 1951d
That's a false premise.