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I want some pussy so bad.
I am focusing on directing this desire for pussy or touching myself, into learning piano.
replied 2312d
And that’s permanent on the Blockchain now lolololol 😂
replied 2311d
Forever 😂
replied 2311d
And ever! The thirst, permanently seen, even 1000 years later! XD
Although more content might not if BCH splits on Nov. 15th.
Would suck. In a bad way :P
replied 2311d
You do you bruv
replied 2311d
replied 2312d
Tinder, I can give you some of lines and ideas, and make sure you wrap your rascal :)
replied 2312d
Tinder? So I can swipe right all days with zero results?
Oh, my rascal doesn't need to be warmed up.
It generates the warmth ;)
Unless I'm in a blizzard.
replied 2312d
lol, wrap it= wear protection...if Tinder isnt your thing my #2 is the grocery store Saturday night, also any upscale restaurant with a bar if you like cougars
replied 2312d
So, Tinder is the only internet option?
I don't have a functional car, I'm not very close to many stores, and it's getting close to winter.
replied 2312d
Tinder is what gave me the best results, I've got no car either...and I smoke a pack a day...I'll dm you :)
replied 2312d
Get good enough on the piano and some dazzling keyboard skills could indeed get you some pussy ;-)
replied 2312d
I'm hoping to get into guitar, to :)
Need to get a guitar first though.
Have a bit of a unique living situation going on, too...