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2408d · S
replied 2408d
Is it is a coincidence that you post "Now that Is what I call Shitposting" on the day when album nr. 100 "Now That's what I call Music" Is released?
replied 2407d
hahaha wut?! didn't mean to do that. also they're still making those?
replied 2407d
That is a funny coincidence then:) Not only are they still made, they consistently go platinum. The people need their compilation albums, it is the modern opium of the masses.
replied 2406d
haha incredible! didn't know people bought albums anymore either. I stream everything, it's all jumbled up. dont ever listen to albums together, just individual songs.
replied 2406d
Most albums in the past consisted of a couple excellent songs with some shitty filler between, but the albums that had a structure from beginning to end was a more like a long song.