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Surely you must have something besides memes to offer in exchange for Bitcoin? Maybe you could offer photoshop services or advice? What kind of work do you do in real life? Do you collect anything besides twonks? What's the point of having a bunch of twonks sit in a wallet? Just to flip them later? That's basically what I bought mine for, but when the wheels fell off Twetch, I realized I'd much rather have Bitcoin than any jpeg, and I'd rather earn that Bitcoin through something more productive than just flipping NFTs. Why not at least show off your twonks by using them for your profile photo? Does your leaf logo have some kind of special significance?
I notice you post a lot of memes that don't get any likes, even though they're pretty good. Believe me, we've all been there, it just seems like there could be better uses of our time. What do you think would happen if you quit Twitter and told your followers that you were only posting on Twetch? If we all ...