A global government would be higher than a nations government. The idea would be a global constitution that all governments are held to. Constitution are negative rights lists.
The idea I'm getting at is that being explicit about what they are held to would be what I'm getting at. See how descriptive being vague is?
What one individual thinks of globalism does not matter as much as what globalism inevitably becomes. What the people collectively want from globalism.
Then, since you are an individual, does it matter what you think of globalism? I'm trying to get you to be more specific. This is vague gibberish to me.
No it doesn't really matter. Group decisions are made by many individuals. Each individual doesn't get everything they want. That is how people confuse democracy with tyranny.
If it doesn't matter what you think about globalism, why are you trying to convince other people that globalism isn't a scam? Or are you saying that, alone, your opinion do much?
What do you mean by "matter?" I am trying to convince others to sway group opinion. Since globalism has done so much good I promote it. Obviously it isn't a scam.
What do >I< mean? What do You mean?: "No it doesn't really matter." I'm still not sure what you mean by globalism, but what do you mean that it has done so much good?
My opinion matters to me, but my opinion is not the average opinion of the group. I see Merritt in my opinion, and so try to sway the group opinion with my own, as others do.
So... your opinion matters to you, but when push comes to shove, if people en masse don't agree with you, you're out of luck, and you'll try and convince people in the meantime?
Nah, I like to believe that conflict is healthy. Sure it doesn't seem like it at the time. But the alternative is already clear: we folded to UASF in order to keep the peace.