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replied 2362d
I wouldn't says so. I know no biological organ or function that doesn't need stimulation to at least maintain or improve itself. Bones, muscles, brain and even the immunity system.
replied 2362d
In other words, If it is not medically necessary or beneficial to masturbate, and there was a way to know this for sure, then you would advocate for abstaining from masturbation.
replied 2362d
*why would I
replied 2362d
If its not beneficial why I advocate for it?
replied 2362d
So if you found out that masturbation was not beneficial to you, would you stop masturbating?
replied 2362d
If I find out that it is detrimental, of course.
replied 2362d
What if it is not detrimental? (Not beneficial, not detrimental, neutral).
replied 2362d
I don't know. All I know is that I won't have any arguments for neither supporting the practice or the abstinence of it.
replied 2362d
The argument against it would be that it was perverted in the context of this thread. It is non-reproductive pleasure seeking done for sexual gratification.
replied 2362d
The argument would depend if it is used in substitution or not.
replied 2362d
Substitution for what? Reproductive sex?
replied 2362d
replied 2362d
So if it is not a substitution for reproductive sex, then masturbation would not be a perverted act? Did I understand that correctly.
replied 2361d
Yes, in such an hypothetical scenario.
replied 2361d
In other words, if two men meet up and jerk each other off, as long as that is not as substitution for reproductive sex, then it is not perverted.
replied 2361d
I'll let you be judge.
replied 2361d
You mentioned earlier in this topic that you found any activity that was done for sexual gratification outside of reproductive sex as being a mental illness or at least perverted.
replied 2361d
Exactly. Yet I won't continue to speculate on a hypothetical scenario that is likely not based on reality.
replied 2361d
I think that any sexual act that is not reproductive is perverted, but that perverted acts are not a bad thing in themselves just because it is perverted.
replied 2361d
Yes, some illnesses have more dangerous consequences than others. It's a spectrum.
replied 2361d
You view masturbation to be on the spectrum of mental illnesses, but on the lower end of it. less bad than doing other sexual stuff that is worse on the scale. (Correct me if wrong)
replied 2361d
Pretty much unless it is to release unsatisfied biological urges.
replied 2361d
That exception makes no sense, acting on the urges with masturbation is the illness, not the urges themselves, they are meant to remain unsatisfied outside of reproductive sex.
replied 2360d
Your sexual organs need exercise to be healthy, just like every other part of your body. Ethics is more rational when we replace the Good vs Evil dichotomy with Healthy vs Unhealthy.
replied 2360d
There is no medical need for people to masturbate unless they have some form of sexual dysfunction which can be treated by it, it looks to be neutral in moderation.
replied 2357d
replied 2356d
Each person can consult their doctor and ask them if it is medically necessary to masturbate if they do not feel like it. It is generally not.
replied 2356d
Masturbation is not necessary for the functioning of the body or the sexual organs of men in general, it is an optional personal choice they can make to do, not medical necessity.
replied 2360d
I am not making an ethical/moral/healthy claim, I was probing TrashPoster about his arguments about what he categorized as mental illness. I do not think that here needs to be any->
replied 2360d
-> reason, ethical or health related, to masturbate. It is just something that people do because they enjoy it, I am not making the claim that it is a mental illness or wrong either ->
replied 2360d
-> every person knows best what is best for themselves and they should be free to chose, there does not need to be a "health" or "ethics" justification for doing anything with your ->
replied 2360d
-> own body. But there is no need to do anything that is healthy unless one feels like it either, masturbation is just a personal choice a person can make without any justification.
replied 2362d
It seems that masturbation has a good effect on prostate cancer for those who masturbate AFTER they turn 50, but it has the opposite (negative) effect (very small) in 20s to 50s.
replied 2362d
But would that not be the case with sex between men and women as well? The male body regulates the penis with boners in sleep and nocturnal emissions. No need to masturbate.