Create account

2440d · memo
How will you shut down the primary account if the thief has your keys? They can keep broadcasting memos and pretend to be you.
replied 2440d
Sure they can keep posting but anyone who is aware of the memo spec will k ów that those posts should be ignored. The website won't even show them.
replied 2440d
The primary account will be able to designate a secondary account only once. And the moment that secondary account starts posting the first account is considered compromised.
replied 2440d
This is a neat idea.
replied 2440d
We do need a protocol action to transfer an identity to a new key and render the old one invalid, although a thief might also take that action.
replied 2440d
visiting your profile after it has been marked as compromised by the secondary account would get a link to the secondary profile so that they can follow that one instead of the first.
replied 2440d
I thief of the keys if the first account would be unable to stop you from posting on the secondary account or designating a different secondary account. And your followers or anyone
replied 2440d
Withdraw all but for 1 memo and nuke it by posting your private key
replied 2440d
It may be hard to even post from a compromised address. What if the thief moves any money away faster than you can charge up the account and spend to post?
replied 2440d
What do you mean by withdraw? Yeah making the private key public would be a good way to invalidate an address.
replied 2440d
withdraw == move your coins to another address
replied 2440d
Derp, brainfart... Yeah I get what you mean. Yep, sounds like a clean solution. Hopefully nobody would ever have to do that.