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replied 2309d
Why do you consider CSW as the one attacking Bitcoin?

Bitcoin ABC dev is BFF with Greg(nullc)
Jihan is a major investor in Blockstream
Trezor (biggest sellout in history) supports ABC
replied 2308d
See my comment on this video where I explain why
replied 2308d
Stress test was an ABC failuire which they still have not addressed.
No fork needed to fix that.
Just somebody that knows what they are doing.
replied 2308d
Bitcoin Unlimited FTW! I like their new Asymmetric Moving Maximum Block Size proposal, avoids politics and attacks.
replied 2307d
I liked miners suggesting a portion of block rewards to go to best implementation team but who can judge best team when the experts are in the teams themselves 🤦‍♂️
replied 2307d
I feel like I have to learn bitcoin script myself and fix things lol.
En Fri Mand
replied 2308d
SV forked ABC they have it too.
replied 2306d
Alright, so if there are no issues, then why we never mined more than 24MB block?
replied 2308d
The way he acts, like a statist, arrogant asshole that wants things his way only and threatens a lot but hasn't done a damn thing to prevent takeover of BTC, and few other things