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replied 2413d
Libertarian governments fail absent any educational mechanisms to ensure populations maintain libertarian ideals .
This is also how the USA has devolved.
replied 2413d
You can't mandate that everyone shares your ideals. You can't force everyone into an education to teach them those ideals. Choice is the ideal of libertarians.
replied 2413d
People always have the choice to do wrong, and people will always have the choice to stop them. A world without choice, is a world worse for everyone.
replied 2413d
This never changes.
What changes is illustrating to people (who care to learn) how much of their life is wasted in Harm and how they can re-utilize that for more fun.
replied 2413d
Socialism, Fascism and communism are about removing choice in the individual and trusting it to a higher authority, whether it be society or the government.
replied 2413d
Just almost anything ending in "ism" is candidate for that pasture
replied 2413d
Absolutely - choice is the ultimate ideal.
This is why you do not mandate any ideals beyond one: "to Harm no other Being" - and even that ideal still remains just a choice.