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Now my family is trying to contact my landlord and get him to open my apartment without my permission. I pay my rent on time every month.
replied 2206d
What kind of family is that? Run as long as you can. This sounds horrible.
replied 2206d
It actually sounds like a family that cares, if they didn’t care they wouldn’t be trying to help (even if you don’t understand)
replied 2206d
They always call it caring but they are unconsciously feeding their own fears. Actually totally egoistic not to respect the freedom of others. Addicts also dont think they are addicts.
replied 2206d
It sounds to me as if they want him/her to live in their lives and are doing what THEY think they need to. I don’t agree with them contacting his landlord though
replied 2206d
The whole reason we have this discussion is because of people forcing others to take drugs. You think that is ok?
replied 2207d
If my biological family is successfully able to get me out of my apartment is done completely illegally.
replied 2207d
I own my body and the state does not own it.
replied 2206d
Apparently that is an illusion. In Scandinavia you even get a fine after an unsuccessful self murder attempt. The state owns your body because you agree to use that passport.
replied 2207d
replied 2207d
The state of connecticut is going to try to force me to take drugs that make me sick.
replied 2206d
The drugs have side effects and are not safe for consumer use.
replied 2206d
Sometimes you have to take a stand. Today is my day.
replied 2206d
Leave the U.S. empire before it is too late! There are so many beautiful places on this planet.
replied 2206d is a good investment for the crypto community.
replied 2206d
If the strategic litigation campaign is funded this is a multi-billion dollar lawsuit.