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replied 2345d
Great thinking! Video hosting is planned :)
replied 2345d
How will you pay for it?
replied 2345d
Using IPFS like and
replied 2345d
IPFS is a good possibility. Also looking into other options.
replied 2345d
Maybe webtorrent? Something like joystream.
replied 2345d
IPFS would be a valuable asset for Memo.
replied 2344d
Have you run IPFS? Even in DHT client only mode my CPU pegged 100% and bandwidth shot to 100Mbps. There are serious problems.
replied 2344d
Yeah, from my experience, IPFS still sucks in practicality.
replied 2345d
"Bcash" The new
Can't we have some originality around here?
replied 2345d
Bitcoin Cash is the only way to handle the new internet. Zero censorship, zero servers zero domains. Bittube, etc don't have these features, and rely on hosting partners.
replied 2344d
Memo's hosting partners are bch miners