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replied 2354d
So if a person is able to differentiate between a native Somali and a native Chinese, I guess they have inadvertently painted themselves into the racist corner:P
replied 2351d
thus racist, but seems a lot more benign than having slavery or even “separate but equal” societies.
replied 2351d
"separate but equal" is bad. Individuals and groups should be free to associate with or from each other freely. Any policy or law that tries to force people together or apart is bad.
replied 2348d
true. people are free to practice "separate but equal" on their own but they will be out competed by people who get along with everyone.
replied 2348d
they may, they may not
replied 2348d
isolated communities are out competed by connected ones. can be seen in countries that restrict trade.
replied 2351d
& having preferences (eg in relationships) even based on race seems ok. You can’t force people to be together. & it might technically be “discrimination based on race” &
replied 2351d
I've often thought of that comparisonMostly when I have been told it's wrong to discriminate against transwomen. Can't we discriminate between potential sexual partners?
replied 2349d
haha that is one of the most absurd examples. really everyone "discriminates" against most all humans alive just by who they choose to interact with every minute.
replied 2351d
Seems similar to the fat acceptance people who demand that weight cannot be part of any attraction equation.
replied 2351d
only alternative it leaves is ignoring all distinctions which just prevents any progress.
replied 2351d
Here is a joke/comic about it,
replied 2351d
I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ certainly the kindest definition of racist. but some people say observing distinctions is racist & should be avoided/prohibited.
replied 2351d
That sounds like a stressful way to go through life, making moral value judgement on the ability of observe.