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replied 2402d
Wasn't it just handed out? Minted all in one go? Sounds exactly like "funny money" to me. Let's do something similar and make ourselves rich, like the guy who owns ripple.
replied 2402d
Stellar was created by one of the owners of the Ripple, after they had some fight, and broke the partnership.
replied 2402d
I don't think it is as good as true decentralized and verified money as BTC/BCH, but as a means to transfer money it has potential. In the end services like shapeshift might kill this.
replied 2402d
I don't understand your last point. I mean, it's certainly not worthless as it can be traded for POW energy backed cryptocurrencies but I don't see the attraction personally.
replied 2402d was mentioned due to expecting a future where realtime conversion of any type of crypto*currency will be available, making a less appeal (my opinion) for Stellar?