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Congratulations @reload for knocking the main memo node offline for almost 30 minutes. Apparently it can't handle transactions with 200+ inputs. Looks like that's a major bug we need to fix. Sorry for the downtime.
replied 2364d
Sorry about that @memo and others. I just learned how to sweep my wallet. Did not mean to cause a problem.
replied 2364d
No need to be sorry, issue was on our end. Thanks for putting our systems to the test :)

Btw, we're working on dust consolidation so you won't have to do it manually anymore.
replied 2364d
Is the Memo team Canadian by any chance?
replied 2364d
We're in California :)
replied 2364d
Oh nice, been there and people are pretty much Canadian when it comes kindness.
replied 2363d
Silicon valley? Give me a job please
replied 2364d
They have Honorary Canuck Citizen status.
replied 2364d
it would cost me $0.26 to sweep mine 😮
replied 2364d
I wish I could tip people's tips 😂
replied 2364d
How do you do a sweep? What exactly happens?
replied 2364d
Easiest way to do is use wallet then scan your private WIF QR Code. Box pops up asking if you want to sweep wallet. Confirm you do.
replied 2364d
but if you sweep, usually it is suggested not to use that address by sweeping your BCH address in memo would be unsafe. Am I right? We need a withdraw function not a sweep
replied 2364d
It's a withdrawal from a paper wallet. Transfers the entire balance. In electron cash go wallet->private keys->sweep
replied 2364d
He send transaction with many inputs and memo main node freeze. He found a bug, but this hanged the site for >30 mins.
replied 2364d
Wow good job testing! I'm impressed.
replied 2364d
🔨 🐞
replied 2364d
replied 2364d
Reload is the man.
replied 2364d
Thanks @CityBusDriverBitcoin🚍! Love you too Brother!
replied 2364d
Are you developing your own node software? And is using that node to validate posts?
replied 2364d
We use the btcd library, but basically run our own custom node. It's open source -
replied 2364d
What did @reload do specifically?
replied 2364d
replied 2364d
Did it cause parsing problems simply because one of the addresses (or the recipient address) was a memo account? At least we can dust-solidate on Bitcoin Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash;)