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replied 2253d
Interesting. I did not know that B12 is a bacterium, I will have to inform myself. thanks for the note. do you have a good source to explain this?
replied 2253d
B12 is not a bacteria, just a vitamin. It is only produced by certain bacteria (found in soils, and in the guts of animals, where they produce B12).
replied 2253d
For me it is easier described as a bacteria. Dogs & Cats have this bacteria in their fur as they lick everywhere. Humans who have contact with dogs & cats live longer & healthier.
replied 2253d
Also walk barefood as much as possible here.
replied 2253d
YouTube for me is the best source for anything, because the information is much more credible as people who show their face can not be lieng or paid pharma manipulators so easy.
replied 2253d
Oh but you're wrong, some YouTubers are paid, Blockstream advocates like Tone Vays is perfect example of this.
replied 2252d
Please tell me why am I wrong when I say that i personally think that the information on YouTube is much more credible than any written information and that lieng is not so easy there?