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replied 2193d
who bought the food? if these people aren't responsible for what they literally put in their mouth what will you hold them accountable for?!
replied 2193d
have the time to cook it because they are working 8 hours a day making barely enough money to even keep a roof over their heads. It's the Capitalists I held accountable for this.
replied 2193d
what, if anything, do you hold people responsible for? not their weight/diet, not their job. sounds more like you're talking about cattle.
replied 2193d
I do believe that people can and must take personal responsibility for their health and happiness. But, Capitalists do a lot to limit the choices we have and the censor and skew facts.
replied 2193d
communists/socialists always want to have their cake and eat it too. are ppl responsible or not? even walmart has thousands of SKU numbers in every store. that is not limited choice.
replied 2192d
Sure Walmart has choices but you can't tell me the Capitalists don't nudge people into making all the wrong choices for their personal gain.
replied 2192d
yeah agree here. they'll nudge all they can. customers will buy perpetual motion machines.
replied 2193d
You miss the point. Bad food is artificially made cheaper by the Government so that's all the working poor can buy. It's possible to buy better food for the same price but they don't..
replied 2193d
bad food artificially cheaper by government. capitalists fault? agree that subsidies (like corn) are bad and should be removed.
replied 2193d
Yes, corn farmers are Capitalists are they not? They lobbbied (bribed) Congress to grant them this subsidy. And other Capitalists profit with crap like HFCS, Corn Oil, milled corn, etc
replied 2193d
That everyone knows is over sugared (even if it weren’t written on every package).
replied 2193d
and people bought it. they chose a place to live, chose a super market to go to, and stood in the super market, and freely chose to purchase over sugared food.
replied 2193d
people are buying stuff without HFCS so they are trying to put Natural Sweetener as a code word for it. Yes people can make their own decisions but industry makes it difficult.
replied 2193d
Yes, people can shop at the right grocery stores and read the labels but not everyone has the time or the energy to do that. And the Corn industry is getting wise to the fact that.....