The Invention of Bitcoin (SV)
Bitcoin (SV) was not an accidental invention. Contrary to what many believed, a software developer mindset alone will not yield a system so powerful as Bitcoin (SV). Instead, it is a product of a well researched field encompassing the knowledge of Law, Banking, Economy, Computer Science, Investment, Mathematics, Statistics, Security, Cryptography, and even Theology. This was not done overnight, it counted years. The release of the Bitcoin Code in 2009 sealed the Grand Design of a system destined to improve the world as we know it - not now, but in decades to come.
Satoshi Nakamoto is a genius. Getting into his mind requires that you must scan all the books he had read (thousands) and papers he had written (thousands). You must study the fields he invested his time with. You must experience what his credentials had brought him. Though, getting nearer to what he had accomplished doesn't guarantee you discerning his creation in full. It will open up ...
Looks like the "read more" button isn't working. Looking into it :)