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2221d · Bitcoin SV
MOST IMPORTANT FACT you need to be aware of about BITCOIN
replied 2221d
So you support BSV now?
replied 2221d
Yes, ABC devs are crooks same as Core. BSV sticks with Bitcoin system, BCH no longer does.
replied 2220d
How can anyone take you seriously anymore?..
replied 2203d
Anyone that actually understands Bitcoins system, why PoW is the actual key to it all, takes me seriously. People who won't are those who see surfaced things & labels only.
replied 2220d
Bitcoin system or Sotashi system? Bitcoin system is a peer to peer electronic cash system which is what BCH is. Sotashi system has issues.with Bottle necks. BSV will fail
replied 2203d
Also those bottlenecks are all created by Core crooks, and BSV coders are slowly removing them, one by one. Bitcoin System is what Satoshi created and said: "v0.1 is set in stone"
replied 2203d
Bitcoin System is P2P Electronic Cash System but is one that's meant to function as outlined in the Bitcoin white paper. CTOR, DSV, Avalance, centralised checkpoints are not part of it