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replied 2287d
That's super cool. I think the latency comes from tx building and NOT broadcasting, which means room for improvement. Could try pre-building the tx and broadcast when user press button
replied 2287d
From my experience, the tx is near instant via bitsocket - so I think the tx pre-build approach should work :)
replied 2287d
I'll try that, thanks ! Hope it'll work
replied 2287d
Good luck! Looking forward to playing with it. Also feel free to join the bitdb chatroom, there are many others working on bitcoin apps
replied 2286d
I'm using your datacash lib, so I tried to split the build and send process, and I even tried to build 3 different transaction with 3 different rpc, and 90% of the time it takes ...
replied 2286d
more than 600ms to receive it back thought bitsocket, I'll try maybe with a different library and a different network connection but I'm afraid it won't work :)