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Since the Devil is an angel of light, he can bend light. In other words, he can make things appear differently than they are. Many exorcists have reported on the ways in which they have made the possess appear larger than they are, or with sharp teeth, etc. The Devil is the father of lies and the lord of illusion.

One of the senses used to tempt Adam and Eve was their sight: "And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold…." (Gn. 3:6). Primarily, they were tempted through their sight. Then their desire for knowledge. The serpent presents this as an opportunity to become like God, knowing good from evil. In other words, they were tempted to be God on their own terms. This is also the root of Gnosticism. Many gnostics will tell us that Lucifer was revealing what God has concealed from us. The basic thrust of gnosticism is making ourselves out to be gods rather than seeking the One, True God.

See how much temptation is in a...