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replied 2276d
SV is a bad joke. They didn't have a block explorer ready for the fork (maybe not even now), their front-man behaves like a spoiled brat, they couldn't even develop their own software
replied 2276d
Um, I counted four SV explorers last time I checked.
Growing fast, could be more now.
replied 2276d
47 minutes ago? You can't be serious. The SV had 6 block explorers as of yesterday!
replied 2276d
"Ready for the fork" which is true
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2276d
"Criminal and SEC investigations are under way in the US based on docs leaked to us. Kraken named also."
Looks like you guys are gonna be the joke soon.
replied 2276d
Another Proof of (empty) threat.
replied 2275d
You added empty just for fun, right?
replied 2275d
Of course, because I'm still waiting for at least one to come true.
replied 2275d
Threat is a threat baby.
replied 2276d
popcorn time
replied 2276d
Hope this helps.
replied 2276d
Committed hash, stable protocol to build on, large block on chain, awesome dev support (think moneybutton and handcash)
replied 2276d
(Think everything CSW has invested in). LOL. It's all about him.
replied 2276d
Anything But Craig is not a rational argument
replied 2276d
You are right because Craig has his dick in everything in SV. And 400 patents to boot. He clearly owns SV. You will regret it. Guaranteed.