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Sk8eM dUb
2456d · Christianity
@podany I'd love to hear you spell out in detail the self evident moral system(your superior commandments) from witch you make judgements and also the origin of those ideas. All ears.
replied 2455d
The censored version of commandments presented by the Catholic Church is far superior to the original God-given version.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2455d
I assume you're an atheist but you continue to use words like "superior". From what foundation are you making these value statements?
replied 2455d
Assume me to be a Buddhist. I think that a set of rules that doesn't require you to kill people worshiping other gods is better than one that does. Do you think I'm wrong?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2455d
Do we live in the ancient world as a part of a large extended family that will be wiped out by neighboring nations if we don't maintain our collective identity?
replied 2455d
Are you trying to make a point that ten commandments are man-made and they did not withstand the test of time?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2455d
No, that they were intended for a specific group of people in a certain time in history.
replied 2455d
All of those commandments are not meant for us, or just the parts about killing the sinners?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2455d
There's a New Testament book called Hebrews that answers this question exhaustively. You should read it. In a nutshell - Jesus gets killed instead of the sinners.