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replied 2440d
Yes you ignorant moron. America has killed anyone and everyone that is even remotely socialist or communist society, with all kinds of weapons. US is only nation that used NUCLEAR wpns
replied 2439d
Dude. The state (USA government) IS socialism. All the stuff you hate... yeah... governments are the cause of that. Not non-violence (capitalism). Don't blame a lack of theft for this.
replied 2439d
US government is doing all this because they are bought out and working for the Capitalists. I am truly amassed how so many of you can't see this... signs are there everywhere.
replied 2439d
No its not. Bailing out banks is not Socialism, that is Capitalism using Socialism to profit from it. Socialism is not government helping capitalist businesses, its helping the PEOPLE.
replied 2438d
Once again - Your definition of capitalism seems to be "all the bad stuff that states or businesses do that you don't like" socialism = "all the stuff you like"
replied 2438d
Capitalism = Propertyism = Respect for private property rights = Voluntaryism = "don't steal other people's shit" = Government is not capitalist - it is the direct enemy of capitalism
replied 2438d
Can we at least agree to use words correctly otherwise how can we even communicate!? What's the point of discussing if your definitions are just pulled out of your arse?
replied 2438d
I cant agree as you use propaganda definitions that are simply not true.
replied 2438d
Oh dear. How bout I call it a different name. Do you think that stealing other people's things is wrong? Are you in support of the non-aggression principle or do you support taxation?