can be distributed to single house level (septic tank) or neighborhood level or city level. no reason it has to be a state granted monopoly.
So it's either you pay into the neighborhood coffer for poop removal or you live in a single family home and pay for the tolls to get to work. Or you live in Wyoming. Death and taxes.
I am not part of the discussion, just wanted to chime in and say that I appreciate that you use literal shit as the metaphor for freedom of choice, pipes filled to the brim with turds.
Unless we revert back to a less technological time, which Frank denies and claims people will live under a higher standard of living under Socialism, which requires more resources...
Socialism sucks! My friend from Russia formerly known as Crimea is the greediest person I know. Why u ask? Because she had absolutely nothing growing up! Now she is like a hoarder
At least we will be killed in the most cost-efficiently way possible, and capitalism will make sure that there is the absolute maximum amount of worker units (humans) to see it happen.
All I'm arguing here is that anarchy has a max population density. As you squeeze more human/mile it gets cheaper to pay for some centralized services/give up some freedoms for others.
quite likely & i'm saying the more competition (in everything) the better (lower prices higher quality). Applies to roles gov has traditionally taken (defense, courts, infrastructure).