Create account

replied 2323d
What additions/extension to CashID is needed for it to be used in this way? Is the "sign" action (a=sign&d=data) sufficient?

I'm thinking that custom memosign actoin is better UX.
replied 2323d
I'm not sure yet, but probably a custom action like you said. Delegated keys is something I was hoping to start working on in next few months. Once I dig in I'll know more.
replied 2323d
While for a custom action, the identity manager / wallet could both sign, build and broadcast the TX, then return TXID in response.

For compatibility, offer a generic solution as well
replied 2323d
Based on MIP, there is two actions sign: one that grant, and one that revoke, permission.

Generic a=sign&d=data can be used, but memo client would need to build and broadcast TX.