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replied 2439d
Yeah it works great until you run out of other people's money. Ask Venezuela.
replied 2439d
Venezuela didn't run out of money, the Capitalist slimeballs just refused to trade with them on critical needs. Free trade has nothing to do with Capitalism or Socialism.
replied 2438d
Nope, the price of oil fell drastically. Should the whole world institute price controls on oil then?
replied 2439d
What I have been saying all along but they just don't get it. Capitalism does not mean free markets, its just a myth created by capitalist so that people think its good & want it.
replied 2438d
but freer markets are correlated with many good things: schooling, environment, health, less corruption, life expectancy, prosperity.
replied 2437d
Where did you get these charts? They're great!
replied 2437d
dont remember where the compiled image is from, but the individual sources are there.
replied 2438d
market freedom is something to strive for. the freer the market the better off the individuals are.
replied 2437d
Bitcoin system is solution to one problem, as it gets rid of intermediaries when it comes to TRADE, but Economic System is the 2nd problem & it also need replacement with worker co-ops
replied 2437d
This is still only 1 part of the picture, if you have free market & everyone can exchange things when & whom they want, if people's work is still exploited there is still a problem.
replied 2437d
because YOU *feel* they’re being exploited is arrogant and cruel. 2/2
replied 2437d
Its not a feeling you moron, its mathematical fact.
replied 2437d
What is the equation?
replied 2436d
You take (way) more than you give. Yup sounds about right.
replied 2436d
lol thats what passes for communist math. no wonder they're all starving
replied 2436d
To this day Capitalist Fascist America and its Nazis in CIA keep doing this same shit, so what the fuck would you know about anything. Do me a favor and just fuck off.
replied 2435d
all you've done is insult us. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
replied 2435d
I gave many examples of shit created by Capitalists, I gave idea what we as society need to adopt in order to change this & all you've done is ignore all this & just write shit.
replied 2435d
I've told you both organizational structure we want could coexist in a free market absent government monopoly of force. you can have a co-op and I can have a buisness
replied 2436d
And you know what, fuck you cunt. Communists freed Europe from Nazis, while your capitalist fucks funded them. People like you disgust me. Go learn some history & facts you prick.
replied 2436d
Well you are a fuckhead. No logic can explain to you that someone that takes more then gives, is literally what means to exploit. You are very ignorant.
replied 2436d
Sounds like the government to me. Hell, they are taking shit we don't even have yet, shit our children don't even have yet. All to provide the "comforts" of today.
replied 2437d
Now, whether a co-op or a ‘capitalist business’ is more efficient/productive is another question. because they would compete in a free market.
replied 2437d
However, it also means you can’t tell others what they can’t do. Even if you think they’re being exploited.
replied 2437d
To show someone that freer markets give them the things they want, then deny them those things by saying they can’t organize in a way they choose, 1/2
replied 2437d
replied 2437d
I trust the workers will choose the profit sharing structure most beneficial to them.
replied 2437d
Workers, by working at a company/co-op, agree to how profits are shared. In a free market they can choose to have profits shared as in a co-op or capitalist business.
replied 2436d
You still use the marlets term which has nothing to do with capitalis economic system or any other system of PRODUCTION.
replied 2436d
production is (potentially free) trade. worker’s trade their labor for capitalist’s money, capitalist trades money for raw materials, customer trades money for finished good.
replied 2436d
Ayn, thanks for the tips, but hit the tip button too many times?
replied 2436d
i'm using 'market terms' like profit and revenue because they actually have definitions.
replied 2436d
No. In capitalist business only the capitaliat has a say what to with the profits. Workers dont.
replied 2436d
so if a capitalist starts a company and keeps 100% of the 'money traded at market' (revenue) & decides not even pay the workers, no one will choose to work for him. workers have a say
replied 2436d
See how much work owner of Amazon or Facebook or any other globalist capitalist business does, compare that to amount of wealth they accumulate. You are ignorant as fuck.
replied 2436d
replied 2435d
Lame "argument" as all others. All cost capitalists has, is paid from products created by that worker. Capitalist does nothing but complains how he works hard & wants more. Get fucked.
replied 2435d
"all the organization for buying equipment, repairs, raw materials, paying taxes, advertising & logistics just happens on its own"
replied 2436d
$-ED-. Do you apply the same criticism of wealth accumulation vs actual work done to capitalist multi-millionaires (Roger Ver, Craig Wright etc.) within Bitcoin/Crypto?
replied 2436d
Global capitalists maintained by centralized money printing is just a fancy and misleading way to call communism.
replied 2437d
Type of economic system does not create, dictate or limit how TRADE is done. Worker co-ops, Capitalism, Monarchy ALL HAVE TRADE DONE SAME WAY, difference lies in WHO OWNS & PROFITS !!!
replied 2437d
if you tell people they cannot organize with a 'capitalist' share holder or management, you are dictate and limiting how trade is done. in this case, trading labor for profits.
replied 2437d
& I keep telling you that Capitalism has NOTHING TO DO WITH FREE MARKETS. Get that into your brainwashed head. Market is place of EXCHANGE, Capitalism is economic system of PRODUCTION.
replied 2437d
synonyms: free enterprise, the free market. to produce is to trade labor for products/services
replied 2437d
ED, *free market* means you can have any business/company/factory structure you want, including co-ops. no one can tell you otherwise.