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2345d ·
Stress test tomorrow! If you're watching on txstreet, be sure to enable "Auto Scroll BCH". Also I'd recommend lowering the frame rate when the flood of txs come through.
replied 2345d
thank you Tom for adding the stresstest "house"

I would love to see donations the whole day
to see a party on txstreet 24hours :)
replied 2345d
There's a freebie :)
replied 2345d

are you ready to see your creation explode with life??
replied 2345d
Always ready!
replied 2345d
well, I'm ready to see what happens when txstreet is tipped 200,000 satoshi's.

got my party hat on
meet you on the dance floor :)
replied 2345d
Thanks for the advice! Txstreet improved a lot. Stress test day tomorrow!
replied 2345d
links to memo dont work
replied 2345d
They will if you keep refreshing the memo page. Sometimes txstreet picks up the tx before memo.
replied 2345d
This should be faster now :)