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1305d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
I'm sorry if I didn't follow the rules, but the person that referred me the game also sold me the funds and as I saw many people who use the same method, I thought it was okay to do this.
Instead of making judgments, others players should take care of their own list because this kind of attitude can harm the game and create a feeling of scary and insecurity among others players. Many players could become a cheater because these feelings but not me. Different that you said before I am not this kind of player, I follow the rules and never got involved with this. I am a simple participant that wishes a better future. How about you? Are you a donor or who made the rules? If you a regular player like all the others here you don't have autonomy to judge others, so it is better you concentrate in your own list or own update and not do this anymore. Please put yourself in someone’s shoes and respect the players that are trying to do their part playing fair. Your intention can be good or you can be only a cheater that think to be superior to others, I really don't know, but what we need is to be united and fight for a better world for everyone and not try to destroy other players reputation as you are doing now.
Don't forget that we are anonymous here but you have a life outside here so go in peace and find a doctor to check your mental health, maybe you are being crazy or paranoiac to arouse those kind of suspicions about other players.