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Sk8eM dUb
replied 2206d
Riddle me this - what physical laws govern the universe that "base reality Humans" inhabit? Are they not just the ones you wish that this universe had but apparently doesn't?
replied 2205d
I would guess the physical laws would be similar, but maybe some quantum principles and effects may not exist in base reality. They may be quirks, or artifacts of the simulations.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2205d
What's your motivation for believing we live in/are a simulation?
replied 2205d
Frustum culling equalling quantum uncertainty, speed of light limit/"limit"
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2205d
What do you think about wave theory? I think I like it because it wrecks a lot of the dumb cosmological models.
replied 2204d
I have not read much about it. I'll look into it thanks
replied 2199d
haha wow guys. op was about infowars being banned. & you've ended up talking about if were in a simulation. lol love how meandering memo discussions are.