Like Pilt Down man? That data, even if it did show that, which it doesn't, can be faked. There is huge political and other motivation to do so, that is why I am very sceptical.
What is the huge political motivation for paying off thousands of people across several centuries to fake scientific data and research?
Atheism can't exist without evolution. Atheism is needed to justify absolute state control of its subjects. Look at the history of the persecution of religion by the Soviets.
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
Atheism works better - there's no higher ideal that the state is supposed to be subordinate to. So the State can replace God entirely. More efficient than being merely a middleman.
What do you think Big Brother is?? All knowing, all seeing, all powerful, the arbiter of Truth... If that's not a replacement for God then we have different definitions.
Its Religion that has been abused for propaganda. Its books and authorities that abuse the people. The bible is a hoax that was invented after Religion to control the sheeps.
Look at the history of persecution of anyone who disagreed with them by almost every established religion ever... "Atheism can't exist without evolution"... Why the hell not?
And why is atheism needed to justify absolute state control of subjects? Religion has a long a brutal history of being used as a tool to enforce absolute control over people.
I think it's a lot like biased journalism. Geology is a fun example - any conclusion that looked like a catastrophic worldwide flood was flatly dismissed because, you know why.