so you have two seperate chains, couldn't you take a block before their checkpoint and just work from there to re-org, and skip the blocks that have new rules with the protections?
Basically the txns between the checkpoint and when the re-org chain emerges will be frozen in time until ABC can pump their minority chain back to life. It will be a total cfusterfulk.
LMAO... exactly! Like Roger doing fucking CPR with more stolen hash... but I don't think he'll have many btc cloud mining customers after pulling that shit on them! laughing so hard!
he is subsidizing them out of his own funds I would guess. He can borrow the hash form himself but has to pay the miners the return they would have got mining BTC.
... an important distinction because a lot of those cloud miners may not just be in it for pure $$. Many may strongly care politically about where that hash is directed --> violated
2/2 But if it wasn't locked in the contract that he can re-direct the hash power at any time / or short notice of 24 hours... that's wrong and a violation of property rights / contract
Oh right. Well if they are being fully compensated AND IF it was all fully locked in legally with terms and conditions in the contract, I guess that would be different.
If ABC can clearly demonstrate that it has a product worth billions maybe some miners will take a chance on it?? If not, it's just an temporarily animated corpse.
If SV concedes defeat they will pull the plug completely, not slowly taper off like we're seeing. They're clearly dedicating every spare chip to a re-org. Haven't heard a better theory
They're going for the kill. They're working on a hidden ABC chain. Notice ABC is rocketing to defend. If if they weren't afraid they wouldn't pile it on like this.
It's consistent with what they said they were going to do. I thought they'd bleed ABC for a few more days but this looks like an end-game play. We'll see!
I believe the statistics that I've seen. SV owns at least 5 PH, probably more. That equipment is either idol or active. Who enters a war intending on losing?
How do you know he is a billionaire? He filed Bankruptcy like around 2009. Nobody knows his true wealth. We know what you say doesn't mean squat. Trump over exaggerates all the time
Well right now everybody is betting against your opinion. Not surprising. When you get something right there should be balloons and a cake. It's a special occasion.
I don't know.CSW always drinks Perrier in his interviews. In the last one he was drinking Red Bull and coursing every other word.Could mean nothing.But my bet is that he was bluffing.
He was being interviewed by the BCH boys when they were doing the live Hashwar segment on I am not sure it was recorded. I don't see it on Keyport.Tv
Here is a theory. Maybe they are getting crushed because of the price of SV. Down to 52 on poloniex. Maybe they are easing up on the hash hoping for a price rebound.How long mine at 0?
Yup, they need 51%+ work done on their hidden ABC chain. We have no idea how much hash they have "in the hole" though. We can only be sure of the ~5 EH they've revealed.