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replied 2275d
Sk8eM dUb
I myself? In general, no, I have not witnessed a free market where there is no government interference.
I find that question curious. Does an answer of "no" imply impossibility? Why?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
This is how ancap is essentially the same as socialism, just with the words replaced. They hate "capitalists" you hate "governments" 😩😩😩😩 ITS THE SAME FREAKING PEOPLE😑
replied 2274d
With the way people talk about capitalists and what they mean, you're quite right.
Capitalists, in common colloquial, means corporatists. Welcome to our current Orwellian reality :)
replied 2274d
You have to go back to the 19th century. To see something close to a libertarian state.
replied 2273d
Perhaps you could be more specific than that?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
This is exactly how ancap belief is like socialism - "true free market has never been tried!" lol. Have you not considered that the biggest winners in the market BECOME the government?
replied 2274d
Yes. My lack of witnessing a "true free market" means one has never existed?
I answered your question directly; did you not turn it into a generalization about all human societies?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
Here's a fairly simple question you'll probably have no idea how to answer - If a truly free market has ever existed, why does it no longer exist?
replied 2273d
Murder, democide, genocide, and so forth, is my guess.
Also, you're being very condescending and I don't like that.
But hey - you already know how you're going to dismiss me, right?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2273d
You're not actually coming up with any cogent arguments. You're dismissing yourself. Try thinking ahead?
Question: which came first, the murder & genocide, or the government?
replied 2273d
I wasn't aware that directly answering your question was supposed to be an argument.
I don't know. Do you? Based on what?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2273d
Simple logical deduction.
You say the government is bad because they do *X*.
SO - to eliminate *X* simply eliminate the government!
But *X* obviously exists in spite of government.
replied 2273d
A monopoly on force exists without government?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2273d
Go read Lord of The Flies. I'll wait.
replied 2273d
Read it years ago. Nice dodge.
But yeah, let's just say that you've won this because responding to you is incredibly annoying.
You win. Rejoice. Bye.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2273d
Not a dodge, that book is famous because it's TRUE. The last ancap I tried to reason with stormed off in a triggered fit too. Just like a socialist. All emotion, zero logic.
replied 2273d
You call what I'm doing storming off?
Geez. Enjoy your strange world.
This isn't worth my time.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
It's absolutely a generalization about human societies. Like I said earlier, we're talking about human nature here. Ancaps don't understand basic human nature, just like socialists.
replied 2273d
And how do you know you're generalization of human societies is accurate?
How do you know you understand human nature?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
Republican democracy is the only defense against whales. What do you think the 1st and 2nd amendment are for? Shakespeare and hunting? NO - they're for when a whale gets in to office!
replied 2273d
"Republican democracy is the only defense against whales."
Based on what?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2274d
Historically you get people who win big in some revolution(e.g. The industrial revolution etc.) in crypto we call them "whales". They're the real monopoly on force.
replied 2273d
That's very vague. I'm not even sure what you're saying.
But hey, you know stuff better than I do.
Shan't I just blindly take your word on it?
You're quite the authority, huh?
replied 2274d
Sometimes being concise in Twitter format harms coherency of information:
*Yes, I have considered that.