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replied 2357d
What's the point of the non-standard hash function in Dash? Doesn't that just make it harder for miners to switch? Master nodes sounds sort of centralized.
replied 2357d
chance of hostile takeover like btc core. And if there were, MNs could fire core and hire new team. Totally decentralized. Funding multiple teams in Ven. Africa, Columbia, US, etc.
replied 2356d
"Master" implies the other nodes are slaves, i.e. without power. What happens if the masternodes are attacked (ddos, police raids etc)?
replied 2356d
And masternodes run on paid haidware, paid bandwith. No RbyPIs here. Which means the Dash network syncs the fastest out of pow chains. Downtime? please. Hard to attack. No central area
replied 2356d
I disagree with that visual, they make decisions for the network like the master of a house. 5k globally-distributed nodes? Good luck. Monero only has ~1.7k nodes.
replied 2356d
5000 master nodes?
replied 2355d
Correct. According to, the current count is 5002. Fully incentivized nodes running on expensive hardware. Not like btc or bch or xmr
replied 2357d
You mean X11? Originally it was intended to slow ASIC development. It worked, took 2 years to get em. Now its just a more energy efficient algo. As for Masternodes, completely opposite
replied 2356d
Why slow ASIC development? And energy efficiency? Like hashes per joule? Does that really matter? If mining is profitable miners are just going to buy more hardware and electricity.
replied 2356d
It was to give Dash a chance to decentralize before big mining powers came just like btc had. Evan wanted a similar growth. Idk but i remember reading it used like 30% less energy
replied 2356d
I don't think it works like that. Miners will just throw more energy at the problem. It might slow down centralization for a while but eventually this will settle at the same level.
replied 2355d
Its already been proven to work like that. An algorithms efficiency is not the same as its utlization. Just like electric cars are more efficient but you can drive them wrong.
replied 2355d
I'm a little out of my depth here, but would like input from real #mining and #blockchain experts. Is it possible to lower #energy consumption just by using a different algorithm?
replied 2355d
Well it certainly is. Mining algos are written to be a certain difficulty. You could change that if you wanted. The question is would it be economic...
replied 2355d
Isn't the difficulty level adjusted dynamically based on network performance? Doesn't that make the energy efficiency of the algorithm irrelevant?
replied 2355d
Dash's diff is adjusted per block yes. For your question to be a yes you have to make certain assumptions. I'm sure a quick google will clear everything up for ya.
replied 2355d
Are you only here to push Dash? You getting paid by the Dash post? Lmao 🤣 Every time I read your posts your giving a Dash sales pitch.
replied 2354d
Cut the guy some slack everyone. Dash is a solid project that I very much compare to BCH. Both are fast as hell and have adoption growing day by day. No issues on my end.
replied 2354d
The thing is BCH does what dash does, better. Without the masternode nonsense and not nearly all premined..
replied 2354d
Bch fees are incredibly high compared to dash ones
replied 2354d
replied 2354d
To be fair, median looks more dash friendly
replied 2354d
To be fair, not really.
replied 2354d
Apologies, it looks like my comment went up 3X
Oh well
More transactions for BCH 😉
replied 2354d
The issue is that he literally flooded memo with his Dash sales pitch. There is a time and place. Comment here&there is fine. The Dash subreddit community is that place for more.
replied 2354d
The issue is that he literally flooded memo with his Dash sales pitch. There is a time and place. Comment here&there is fine. The Dash subreddit community is that place for more.
replied 2354d
The issue is that he literally flooded memo with his Dash sales pitch. There is a time and place. Comment here&there is fine. The Dash subreddit community is that place for more.
replied 2355d
Nope. I'm here because I'm excited by the prospect of a free, open community without undue censorship. I mostly care about Dash, but this place is kinda dead right now so give me a brk
replied 2354d
I'm glad that the Bitcoin Cash network can provide all of us with this free (as in speech) and open community. I haven't followed your posts, but don't mind posts about Dash at all.
replied 2354d
I would encourage supporters of any other blockchains to do so the same.
If Memo becomes a forum we can all meet on to argue & debate, that's something incredibly useful to crypto.
replied 2354d
Thanks. I'm not here to shill either. I know that this is a BCH project and I'm just glad for the censorship free posting zone!
replied 2354d
I like the fact that this let's us put our money where our mouth is literally. I don't mind paying a (micro) price to post with these guarantees.
replied 2355d
Why don't you make a memo.dash site that runs on that?
replied 2355d
I wanted to, but was told because Dash uses an 80 byte op code instead of the same 200 byte one you guys use, it wouldn't work very well. Evo should bring services like this though.
replied 2354d
replied 2355d
Ok, Well I’m pretty sure everyone has heard your Dash sales pitch now so please give us a break.
replied 2355d
Created with BCH and not Dash. LOL. Bummer
replied 2355d
Tell them about the app.
replied 2355d
Well, it's in his name so I guess that explains that.
replied 2355d
Time to #StackMyBCHup.
replied 2355d
I know I have to now try to find actual BCH news through all the Dash Trash. Definitely a Troll. I get it if someone wants to post some dash news. But he goes on and on.
replied 2355d
Hahaha so true!! 😂😂😂
replied 2355d
I'll look into that, thanks. Dash tx fees look about the same as BCH over the last year or so.
replied 2355d
Yeah, Dash has a commitment to low fees, Point of Sale wouldn't work otw. Whenever the price rises Dash commits to lower fees, we don't want what happened to btc to happen to us.
replied 2355d
I agree, low fees are very important. But they don't look much lower than #BCH so the cheap algorithm either isn't working or something else is eating those savings.
replied 2355d
Up until late Aug BCH was on avg 3-7x more exp. fee wise than Dash. So its good you guys were able to get those fees lower.
replied 2355d
replied 2355d
This is a protocol measure however and will be lowered soon. Dash's rapid price increase wasn't factored into fee calc.
replied 2355d
That's using the avg. You have to use the median because privateSend txs skew the avg. They're about 1-5% of daily txs, and currently have a much higher fee of .01 Dash.
replied 2355d
Actually, if you look, Dash's fees have been many times lower than bch's all year, 14x (!!) lower Jun 21 its only since Sept that BCH lowered its fees to Dash's level. Congrats!
replied 2355d
The area under the curve since BCH was created looks about the same to me. I guess you'd have to do a more detailed analysis as to why they differ at various times.
replied 2355d
Dash Block size is only 2 MB's. But they will never have the amount of transactions to ever have to worry about increasing the block size
replied 2355d
Why is this? Have you found any technical or perhaps philosophical problems with Dash?
replied 2355d
Those are some small blocks. Lol.
replied 2355d
Dash was pre-mined though.
replied 2355d
False, dash had no premine. That is a fud from the monero community whose original devs released a crippled miner so they could get the supply in secret. They then accused Dash of that
replied 2355d
Oh my wasnt a premine..its known as an Instamine..(worse than premine)
replied 2355d
Dash has one of if not the best coin distributions of all major coins. Again you need to do your homework, you were brainwashed along with thous others by xmr community FD machine.
replied 2355d
Don't need to do any homework. Nothing Dash can do that BCH can't. Not as good apps, Not as many Use Cases and didn't even get a rating from EH Hutton. BCH was given 5 stars.
replied 2355d
Plus already have 2 use cases with BCH. Bovada and Dish network. I didn't choose these because of BCH. BCH found me. I do nothing that uses Dash. Zero Zilch.
replied 2355d
sorry i dont do xmr and the things i kno0w are directly from my drk community days.
replied 2355d
But you get simple things like 'no premine' wrong. There was no premine in Dash. Ryan Taylor proved this with his blockchain analysis. You're just repeating fud
replied 2355d
Here's xmr dev smooth talking about the cripplemine for xmr: and how one guy got 50% of the supply for 2 months
replied 2355d
Chaplin,anonmint,evan,brcanadaalexg,crazy camosoul ,myself @ the start
DRK did have a huge premine-instamine,100%
idgaf about monero tbh,
replied 2355d
Truth be told...hell the reason the masternodes in the first place was to coinshuffle the premined coins lols
replied 2355d
Talk about all the things its doing right. Enjoy yourself.
replied 2355d
Yeah no evidence of that. Masternodes didn't come along for 6 months. Certainly was no premine. Blockchain analysis did that. I guess you'd rather distract from dash innovation than
replied 2355d
Here read about it:

"It's getting tiring seeing nothing but Monero bullshit here on page 1 ..right at the top 24/7"
replied 2355d
Actually no, premines are worse. Instamine was a bug from ltc that caused all who were mining (this is imptnt) to get coins faster than expected. Premine all coins go to one group
replied 2355d
Sorry you are wrong.
Dash aka Darkcoin had a secret premine. Evan later discussed airdropping the drk to community but never did.
Instead they re-branded and to erase drk premine.
replied 2355d
I've been there since the beginning, there was no premine. Evan asked the comm. to either restart the coin or airdrop and they refused both options. Premine is Fud from xmr community.
replied 2355d
ok hold on a sec...if there was no premine then why would evan ask to restart or airdrop???????????
En Fri Mand
replied 2355d
Look at early blocks and one can actually see how many were created in the beginning.
replied 2355d
Pay attention, there was no premine. There was a bug that allowed coins to be issued faster than expected AFTER mining started. He asked if they should restart comm. said no. That's it
replied 2355d
Dasher: "Hey let me tell you how great Dash is."

Curious: "Sure I have a question."

Dasher: "Well, why don't you google it then?"
replied 2357d
MNs allow decentralized funding voted on by stakeholders with 1k dash. They have skin in the game, so their decisions gotta be good. Dash core is funded from the blockchain, so no
replied 2356d
A built-in development funding system might be a good idea (though I'm not sure if it's actually necessary), but why do you need masternodes for this? Why not just let everyone vote?
replied 2355d
Heard of Skycoin?
replied 2355d
I personally will only buy a mined coin. Non-mined coins can be printed endlessly until the earth goes flat. Oh wait some people already think the earth is flat.
replied 2355d
There is no mining with Skycoin.
replied 2355d
Honestly, POW coins have BARELY proven themselves and they've been out 10 years. I don't think non-POW coins deserve the same level of trust yet.
replied 2355d
What level of trust?
replied 2355d
That it can't be hacked/money stolen/that it works/that its economic model is solid. There are a lot of assumptions that btc gave us that these newer projects haven't proven themselves
replied 2355d
PoW has a tendency for centralization via 51% attack, which is why eventually we might not be using BCH, as it shares this flaw with BTC, for

If that's your heuristic, gl.
replied 2355d
That centralization is fine because 51% is not really a big deal. Still censorship free, all old txs untouchable. That alone is worlds better than legacy.
replied 2355d
Yep, that's why I wouldn't buy it.
replied 2355d
Ok :)
replied 2355d
So many coins... I think we need a technological solution to analyze coins against one another in a scientific way. How about a blockchain for this purpose? Let's call it #Coincoin.
replied 2355d
It's a wonderful idea, but I think they chew to much, they will choke on the execution (time). The idea itself will happen in some way or another soon though, with or without Bitcoin.
replied 2355d
I was thinking of just analyzing the features, cryptography, math and so on, not live performance.
You probably don't need a blockchain for this.
replied 2355d
Yep so many coins. Either the entire crypto market will come crashing down to 0, or a few select coins will survive. Only time will tell.
replied 2355d
Skycoin enables making custom blockchains, so they've got that covered. Like going from books handwritten for kings, to the printing press.
replied 2355d
"Web 3.0" and proprietary hardware makes me suspicious. Impossible to tell whether there are some good ideas in all the new coins coming out, and whether those ideas will work.
replied 2355d
Impossible? No. Hard work? Yes.
White papers, interviews, thinking, and using. What, after all, made BTC so popular? Easy to use! Initially.
replied 2355d
How many of the 5000 or so coins in existence have you analyzed or used, even superficially?
replied 2355d
Not many. Perhaps you mean Impractical. I only contend that it's Impossible. Skycoin's match with fractals is why I was interested in it to begin with. Not many catch my eye.
replied 2356d
That's because their money came from AXA and blockstream. Their $$ incentives weren't aligned with the coins best interests. Dash has been innovating constantly oth for the last 4years
replied 2355d
BTC has indeed been corrupted, but most coins haven't so still not sure if coin-funded development is needed. But it's an interesting concept. You know how much of a tx goes to this?
replied 2355d
There's a fork that maintains the original intent: Bitcoin Cash, which this social network actually operates on.
replied 2355d
I'm already on the BCH train. :-)
replied 2355d
Well, 10% of the block reward is voted on by the MNOs. That's transalated to about $1 mil per month for at least the last year into the Dash economy. Not many coins can say that...
replied 2355d
What is the point of mining and running a masternode being distinct activities?
What do non-master nodes do?
How much of the 10% goes to core dev., and what happens to the surplus?
replied 2355d
DCG to be worthy of based on past performance. Currently every expense is line-itemed in the budget. If there is no vote surplus i.e. full 10% is never created.
replied 2355d
MNs facilitate coin mixing, instant txs and governance functions and incur running costs. As such, they are given part of the reward for their efforts. How ever much the MNOs deem
replied 2356d
Because its sybil-resistant that way. You need 1k Dash/i.e. skin in the game to vote. Which makes it harder/more expensive to attack. You saw how easily btc was taken over right?
replied 2355d
Why not make voting power proportional to the amount of coins you hold? Seems like an arbitrary limit of 1000 would make attacks cheaper as long as you have at least that many coins.
replied 2355d
If we did that then it would be cheaper since most ppl don't have 1k Dash, but anywhere from .1 to 100. We'd get all kinds of spam. The limit makes it more exp.
replied 2355d
Well, the limit makes access to voting more expensive, but if you gain access you will have proportionally more power, right? The poor people won't have any say.
replied 2355d
The purpose of the MN and treasury is not for 'poor people', it is to direct the funding to projects that help Dash adoption. THAT is where helping the poor comes in like in Ven, haiti
replied 2355d
I was referring to attack resistance. If a bad actor can afford 1000 Dash they will have better prospects of success with the limit than if votes were proportional from 0, right?
replied 2355d
I don't think you can make that assumption. Its much easier to buy 1 Dash to vote than it is to buy 1k. If you're a bad actor, 1K is an easier investment to make, 1k means your serious
replied 2355d
Again we are debating entry level for voting vs power per coin.
If we assume that 1K limit excludes 50% of holders, then those who can afford 1K will have proportionally more power.
replied 2355d
To adopt your idea or why it should be done. It has to work better than what we've got. Right now you've only got a theoretical complaint, Dash is making real world moves. Little time.
replied 2355d
Yes, my complaint is theoretical, but you haven't presented a theoretical defense of the current model. Dash might be working great, but it's possible it could be working even better.
replied 2355d
Its possible and if a need to evaluate a new model arises we'll do so. But currently we have more pressing concerns.
replied 2355d
And you haven't proven 1. the efficacy of the current dash model 2. the superiority of whatever model you suggest replace it. Until you can do this you are not providing any incentive
replied 2355d
The model I propose would be proportional voting from 0 Dash and up. My reasoning is that you haven't proven any benefits for the arbitrary 1000K Dash limit.
replied 2355d
The benefit is that it is great and expensive enough to prevent people from buying up masternodes. Sybil proof. But we were talking about the proposal fee, not the MN cost.
replied 2355d
But that is not a good assumption to make because it presupposes that the price was always high enough to exclude 50% of holders. 1k Dash used to be really cheap for years. Bad assumpt
replied 2355d
I just picked 50% at random. My point is true with any number, I think. 1%, 99%, whatever.
replied 2355d
My point is also true at any number. W.e num you choose, you are presupposing the price was always high enough to exclude w.e. portion you picked. THAT IS NOT a good assumption to make