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replied 2429d
what are trucks? 🚛
replied 2429d
I will make this simple for you. At 30 yards away would you rather try and avoid a truck or an AR-15? Vehicles are far less effective, therefore not used very much.
replied 2429d
86 dead 458 wounded. Sounds pretty effective to me. Can you refer me to a mass shooting (other than ones carried out by governments) that came close?
replied 2428d
You are a complete douche. How many people died in 911? How many terroriists have flown into buildings since that time? We have done things to prevent terrorists attacks with planes
replied 2428d
So you cant. Let me know when you can douche.
replied 2428d
Again you are a douche bag. You are comparing 1 incident that can now be defended. It's been 23 years and going since any incident like that happened in the U.S. 23 years. Got that.
replied 2428d
Terrorists always go after soft targets. Aircraft just happened to be one for 9/11. Recently it's been trucks.
replied 2428d
Yep, they do. But most of our mass shootings are not terrorists. As again today the Shooting in Maryland was a white guy.
replied 2428d
So Terrorists can’t be White? Guess I missed that part in the definition of a Terrorist.
replied 2428d
Conveniently the media has altered the definition of terrorists by associating them with having a political motive. Would prefer all attackers be called terrorists.
replied 2428d
Sure they can. But in the U.S mass shootings don't count for them. Would have to be a bomb or hijack a plane or something.
replied 2428d
We have done things to prevent vehicles driving into crowds. What have we done to prevent an active shooter walking into a school or building? Zero.
replied 2429d
"take away all guns = stopping mass murders." people aren't creative enough to figure out other ways to mass murder hmmm. 🤔
replied 2429d
Streets with people celebrating are usually blocked off now. You wouldn't be able to get a truck in. But you could certainly get an Ar-15 in. Stupid argument.
replied 2429d
FBI stats more people are killed with hands & blunt objects kill more people than all rifles (including the dreaded ‘assault rifles’)
replied 2429d
And since you think it's so easy to kill people with a knife, then you can defend your home with a knife. No gun is needed.
replied 2429d
One more for fun 😜
replied 2428d
So true, yet there are reasons enough:

replied 2428d
replied 2429d
Don't you know the rule? We're talking about criminals that won't obey gun laws. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
replied 2429d
How many criminals were mass shooters? I think 0
replied 2429d
Lol, pretty sure all mass shooters are criminals. How many non-criminals were mass shooters?
replied 2429d
Meaning they weren't criminals until they did the mass shooting act. I really think you knew that though. LMAO
replied 2429d
silly me for thinking you actually wanted to reduce murders with an informed strategy. sounds more like you just want to tell others what to do.
replied 2429d
Block off all large gatherings of people. Wow problem solved. Why not just ban murder. Oh wait. 🤣
replied 2429d
point is if people want to kill another person (or many people) they will find a way. knife and acid attacks are up in london (should we all wear hazmat suits or carry base?!)
replied 2429d
The minute you compare a knife with a high powered rifle you are douche. Yes people die everyday by different types of weapons. We are talking about mass killings Give it up douche Bag
replied 2429d
This is what the terrorists are using? do you know anything about guns? Please add more frightening buzzwords. I’m almost convinced.
replied 2429d
But murder is illegal. So making guns illegal will prevent the terrorists from having guns? Like it prevents them killing? much logic such reasoning
replied 2429d
Look you can spin whatever you want. But the fact is America has the most guns, and America has the most mass shootings. That is fact. More guns = More shootings period.
replied 2429d
and its not spin. murder is in-fact illegal right? but there are still murders? so you think making guns illegal will stop murders with guns?
replied 2429d
you don’t get to tell people what to do no matter how right you *FEEL* you are.
replied 2429d
but banning guns doesn't stop murder. Its worth looking at US murder rate by race. As part of US is on par with African murder rates
replied 2428d
Haven't verified numbers, but would guess that smaller % of black Americans own guns due to social criminalization of it. So only bad guys own for the most part, thus the murder rate.
replied 2428d
certainly a possibility. there is definitely a culture surrounding guns that, while welcoming, takes some effort to get in to.
replied 2428d
You're not lying. It warms the cockles of my heart every time I visit my range in the Deep South. There're always blacks & whites exercising our rights together & there's camaraderie.
replied 2428d
US has highest # of Mex & Central Amer. immigrants & high % of citizens of African ancestry in non-African nation. Are those causing shootings also? Correlation ≠ causation.
replied 2428d
Complete Bullshit. None of these mass murderers are under what you describe.
replied 2429d
While other parts are only slightly above European countries